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Day One of My Quit

So this time I have chosen to wean myself off the cigarettes instead of going cold turkey that was kinda harsh and I had a harsh reaction at the sixth day mark and it did not stick. It did not matter if I was in the support group or how many of my video's I watched, my mind told me "The HELL with all that and you are going to have a cigarette and that is the final word!"

So this time I have upped my medication Wellbutrin to 200MG twice daily, the E-cig, the fidget, my rubbing stone, the support group (if you are going to quit smoking always have a support group at your fingertips, they are there to help you and are going through what you are or have been where you are, or have done what you are doing right now. PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO FIND EITHER REAL WORLD OR AN ONLINE SUPPORT GROUP FOR ANY ADDICTION!)

So yesterday I went from a pack and a half down to a half a pack of cigarettes i would say that is a dramatic decrease in my smoking with the stress I am under with the impending move coming up and everyone saying I am not going to make it and I am going to be living in my truck. I am so nervous about leaving the home and boyfriend of the last four years because I do still love him and I am not leaving because we are not good for eachother; I am leaving because I have never lived a day on my own.

Today I woke up at 6:30 am est. and you may ask yourself why I am telling you that now but as the day goes on you will see, it is now 9 am almost straight up and I am on my third cigarette just writing this.

I just have to say this and get this off my chest right now. I spend more time on my computer than I do on my phone and I know there are a lot of company people that do also and it would be nice if there was a computer program app out there for us to use to quit smoking other than the older version of although I go there exclusively for his video's which are the best by the way if you want to learn about the tobacco addiction.

You will find throughout this Blog that I will give you the right places to go and where not to go for support because I more than likely have already been there and if not please don;t hesitate to ask me in the forums.

Later tonight before I call it a night or in the morning I will let you know how much I smoked today.

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My Journey of Discovery
and Quit smoking

About 4 months ago I finally figured out that it was time to Quit smoking and I am on a journey in figuring out how best to do that. In doing that I found out that there are no places to let you know what to actually expect so I decided to do a day to day blog on my quit.

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